Havnegade 39, 1058 København K, cvr 39935333
Fra den 1. juli 2024 til den 30. juni 2025
Tilladelsen dækker indsamling via
- events
- hjemmeside/donationsmodul (www.compassiondk.dk)
- sociale medier (Facebook og Instagram)
De indsamlede midler modtages via kontooverførsel (reg.nr.: 7045 kontonr.: 1606688).
Indsamlingens formål
Indsamlingen skal bruges til Compassions formål; at hjælpe børn ud af fattigdom.
Formålet som det fremgår af vedtægter: §2 Purposes, Mission and Operations. The Association is based on Christian values. The Association's purposes are to:
- Support, encourage and facilitate the spread and growth of the Christian faith throughout the world. - Relieve poverty, suffering or distress amongst children, including, but not limited to, the generality of prevention of malnutrition, illness and disease and the education and training of children.
- Solicit, receive and accept donations and other financial support in order to carry out the mission of the Association.
- Make charitable grants, donations or other payments, as the Association sees fit, to individuals, organizations, projects, institutions and initiatives that are organized and operated for similar purposes.
- Be an advocate and raise awareness for children in poverty
Indsamlingens regnskab
Når Indsamlingsnævnet har modtaget et regnskab for indsamlingen, vil det hurtigst muligt blive offentliggjort.
Eventuelle yderligere oplysninger
J.nr. 24-700-07986